Contact us for Your Dental Services in Camarillo and Simi Valley
We will be happy to assist you with many dental treatments to help you improve the appearance of your teeth and overall smile! Please give us a call, visit us or send us an e-mail.

Camarillo Location:
484 Mobil Ave., Suite 31
Camarillo, CA 93010
We are located close to the
Camarillo post office
Phone: (805) 484-1221
Email: torgersen.dental@gmail.com
Simi Valley Location:
1975 Royal Ave., Suite 5
Simi Valley, CA 93065
We are located across the street
from Church of the Nazarene
Phone: (805) 527-4470
Email: torgersen.dental@gmail.com
Contact Torgersen Dental today to schedule your consultation, or to learn more about any of the services we offer. Just fill out the form below, and a friendly member of our staff will be in touch with you shortly. We look forward to serving you.